[Eeglablist] Envtopo image for one group only

Michał Bola michalbola at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 10:57:17 PDT 2012

Dear all,

I work with ERP data from experiment with 2 X 3 design: 2 groups
(patients and controls) and 3 conditions (types of stimuli presented).
I want to use std_envtopo function to plot clusters contribution to
the grand average ERP separately for both groups, as I hypothesize,
that different sources might contribute to a different extent to both
groups ERPs. There is of course an option to compute ICs contribution
separately for each condition, but no option to choose one group only.
Can anybody drop me a hint how to get that? I tried to modify the
code, so that, so that only one group is processed (so playing with
"sets" variable), but then std_envtopo reports some errors when
calculating scalp projections.

Thank you in advance.


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