[Eeglablist] marking continuous data without rejecting

Petr Janata pjanata at ucdavis.edu
Mon Jun 25 11:26:25 PDT 2012


I am wondering whether anyone has figured out or implemented a way of saving/updating marks to continuous data without actually rejecting the segments of data. 

It looks like the "Update Marks" option is only available when dealing with epoched data.  

It would be useful to store marks in the EEG struct for continuous data in cases where one doesn't have time to finish marking a file or would like to review all the marks in a file before rejecting. 


Petr Janata, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Center for Mind and Brain
University of California, Davis             
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
phone: (530) 297-4471
fax: (530) 297-4400
email: pjanata at ucdavis.edu
www: http://atonal.ucdavis.edu/~petr/

Center for Mind and Brain
267 Cousteau Place
Davis, CA  95618

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