[Eeglablist] study organization questions

Agatha Lenartowicz alenarto at ucla.edu
Tue Jun 26 13:14:10 PDT 2012

Hi Arno ~

A couple study level questions.

1. I see a file called FILENAME.set in all of my subjects' directories that has size indicating it's a double of the epoched dataset. What is this file and can I delete it (it's eating up space!)?

2. I am going to create a new study, re-using files that were previously used in another study. I want to use different studies b/c I can't easily modify the previous study. When I do this - the new study will make all kinds of changes to the design* files produced. I can sort of try to get around this by giving the subjects new *grp* or *condition* names and this will force the design* files to be distinguishable b/w studies. This is however cumbersome and a bit risky if I forget something along the way. So. Is there an easier way?

3. How stable are the study structures to changes in paths. At some point I need to back up and archive my study - and I am worried that if I ever return to it, it'll be corrupt.

Many many thanks!

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