[Eeglablist] event import

Inga GB i.griskova at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 03:30:32 PDT 2012

Dear all, I am a relatively new to EEGLAB.
And Ihave two concerns about event-featuring in EEGLAB v
I have two file-formats:

.bdf files in biosemi-events can be export, however, the names of
events are changed. fe I have 2 event types called 124 and 125, and
after importing data these are changed to 65402 and 65403...what can
be the problem?

.cnt from ANT and importing event info from .trg file-this is a total
mess, as ALL the events (marking stimuli, reaction times, response
correctnes and so on) are stucked into a single time-point...simply
speaking, all the events are marked on the first second of my
30minutes recordig.
Is that mine bug...or?...Could you please help me to solve these questions?

Many thanks!


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