[Eeglablist] Call for Application for Prospective Ph.D. Students

Maria Serena Panasiti m.serenapanasiti at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 08:13:13 PDT 2012

*Call for Application for Prospective Ph.D. Students*
Code: 16167  - Psychology and Social Neuroscience
*Curriculum in Cognitive Social and Affective Neurosciences (CoSAN)*

*Sapienza University of Rome offers 3 funded open postgraduate positions
for attaining the degree of "Dottore di ricerca" (Ph.D.) in the Ph.D.
program in Psychology and Social Neuroscience,* (co-ordinated by Prof.
Concetta Pastorelli) *curriculum in Cognitive Social and Affective
Neuroscience (CoSAN - http://w3.uniroma1.it/cosan/) led by Prof. Salvatore
Maria Aglioti.*

All these 3 positions are covered by fellowships. Thus, high-motivated
applicants with a strong interest in systems neuroscience and higher order
cognitive functions are encouraged to apply.

The Ph.D. program lasts three years and may be extended to a fourth year
(without grant), subject to approval by the PhD steering committee. At the
end of the first year of attendance, students have to be evaluated for
admission to the following year.

*Application and Deadline*
Applications are invited from candidates:
•    who hold an Italian diploma di laurea / laurea specialistica / laurea
magistrale, or an equivalent second-level degree (generally equivalent to a
Master’s Degree) obtained abroad
•    or who expect to receive their degree award by October 31, 2012
Instructions on how to apply can be found at

Applications that do not meet the criteria indicated in the Call will not
be considered.

Applications must be submitted by July 20, 2012 - 11.59 pm CET.

*Selection Procedure*
Admission is based on an evaluation of the skills and aptitude of the
candidate, and the selection procedure includes two steps:
Phase 1. On line pre-interview and evaluation of qualifications
Phase 2. On site interview

Pre-interview. Upon completion of the evaluation of qualifications, the
evaluation Committee arranges on line pre-interviews (Starting from
September 10 till September 14, 2012) and assigns each candidate a score
ranging from 0 to 50 for the following dossier:
•    academic curriculum (exams, thesis, and grades)
•    publications and a report on any research carried out by the candidate
(if any)
•    at least two letters of recommendations supporting the candidate
•    a research proposal
•    any further qualification and information the candidate wishes to be
taken into account

Online interviews will be held in English.
Applicants obtaining a minimum score of 30/50 in the evaluation gain access
to the next phase.

A list of applicants admitted to Phase 2 and the exact time schedule of
their interview will be announced no later than September 28, 2012 at the
Ph.D. web page: http://w3.uniroma1.it/cosan/

Interview. On site interview will be held in English, and it will be
arranged on October 15 and 16, 2012 Onsite interviews will include a
discussion of the research proposal and personal motivations for applying
to the Ph.D. position. The duration of the interview is at most 45 minutes,
including a presentation of the research proposal by the candidate no
longer than 15 minutes.

Upon motivated requests, interviews may be done using video-conferencing

The selection Committee assigns a score ranging from 0 to 70. A score of at
least 50/70 is required for admission.
A list of winners candidates will be announced no later than October 22,
2012 at the Ph.D. web page: http://w3.uniroma1.it/cosan/

*Research Activity*
The CoSAN PhD curriculum is closely related to the research activity of the
Cognitive and Social Neuroscience Laboratory (http://w3.uniroma1.it/aglioti/).
It intends to promote the study of the brain systems underpinning
cognitive, social and affective functions. Such research will be performed
in young and adult healthy and brain damaged individuals.
PhD students will have access to state-of-the-art facilities for performing
advanced research in cognitive social and affective neuroscience under the
guidance of world-renowned academics from different European and
Non-European Laboratories. The successful candidates will therefore have
the opportunity to work in a stimulating research environment and to
interact with several laboratories at the highest international standards.
Any additional information concerning the application and the CoSAN
curriculum can be obtained by contacting the organizational manager Dr.
Paola Trussardi (paola.trussardi at uniroma1.it) or the curriculum leader
Prof. Salvatore M Aglioti (salvatoremaria.aglioti at uniroma1.it).

Maria Serena Panasiti, Ph.D

Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience Lab
Department of Psychology.
University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Via dei Marsi 78 - 00185 - Roma.
Phone: (+39) 06-49917635. Fax: (+39) 06-49917635

School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences
University of Reading
Reading, United Kingdom
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