[Eeglablist] Summerschool EEG and fMRI analysis with EEGLAB and SPM

Stefan Debener stefan.debener at uni-oldenburg.de
Thu Jul 5 11:37:37 PDT 2012

EEG and fMRI analysis with EEGLAB and SPM, October 2 - 4, 2012


Lehmkuhlenbusch 4
27753 Delmenhorst

Stefan Debener, Christiane Thiel & Christoph Herrmann
Department of Psychology, University of Oldenburg

Aim of this workshop is to introduce EEGLAB and SPM to those considering 
its use in their cognitive neuroscience research. Selected state-of-the 
art lectures on event-related techniques, advanced analysis methods, and 
simultaneous EEG and fMRI recordings will be followed by hands-on 
sessions. For the hands-on sessions the group will be split with a focus 
on EEG-related and fMRI-related techniques, respectively. Step-by-step 
tutorials will guide those new to the Matlab programming environment 
from getting-started to a more thorough signal processing level. 
Participants will be provided with computers, software and example 
datasets on site. During the hands-on sessions participants will be 
supported by a team of experienced helpers. An additional poster session 
will enable participants to present their own data.

Faculty will include: Christiane Thiel, Christoph Herrmann, Rene Huster, 
Cornelia Kranczioch, Jeremy Thorne, Carsten Giessing, Riklef Weerda, 
Thomas Breckel, Sebastian Puschmann, Tina Weis, Maarten De Vos, Lingchia 
Chen and Stefan Debener.

The workshop is limited to 35 participants. Participation fees vary 
between EUR 75 and 150 and include lunch, coffee, refreshments, dinner, 
and the welcome reception.

Deadline for the application: August 30, 2012

Further information & application form:


Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener
Neuropsychology	Lab
Department of Psychology
University of Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg

Office: A7 0-038
Phone: +49-441-798-4271
Fax:   +49-441-798-5522
Email: stefan.debener at uni-oldenburg.de

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