[Eeglablist] How do I export a file from a BioPac system into EEGlab?

Neal Hinvest N.Hinvest at bath.ac.uk
Tue Jul 17 05:50:17 PDT 2012


I am trying to run analysis though EEGlab after collecting EEG data from 
  our BioPac unit. I have tried exporting files in .txt, .mat and .edf 
format with no luck (memory seems to be insufficient). Is there a way 
that EEGlab can read files from a BioPac? I have seen that a few people 
have asked the same question on the archives of previous questions but 
there was no answer given.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Neal Hinvest

Dr Neal Hinvest
University of Bath
United Kingdom

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