[Eeglablist] importing ERPs

Joshua Hartshorne jkhartshorne at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 20:17:07 PDT 2012

I have been trying to plot difference waves (well, really difference
topoplots) in EEGLab. Since there didn't appear to be any way to actually
do this, I thought I'd get around the problem by exporting the data,
computing the condition averages, subtracting the one condition from the
other, and then reimport in order to then plot.

Unfortunately, importing has not bee working. I followed several examples
in the wiki, including the one for Matlab arrays which gives and example
involving made-up data (
but invariably get the following error:

eeg_checkset warning: 3rd dimension size of data (1) does not match the
number of epochs (0), corrected
eeg_checkset warning: number of columns in data (25600) does not match the
number of points (0): corrected
eeg_checkset note: upper time limit (xmax) adjusted so (xmax-xmin)*srate+1
= number of frames

When I plot the data, it ignores anything I told it about where the epoch
starts (e.g., -0.2) and starts the epoch at 0 regardless. And when I edit
channel info, it says there is only 1 channel, even though it's happy to
plot all the channels.

Does anybody have any idea what might be happening?

Josh Hartshorne
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