[Eeglablist] Matlab Video Processing Question

Davide Baldo davidebaldo84 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 10:38:43 PDT 2012

Dear all,

I know the following question does not concern EEGLAB, but I guess many
user might have had my same problem.

I need to load a .mp4 video into Matlab to process it frame by frame. The
video contain audio as well.

To import the video into Matlab I am using:

xyloObj = VideoReader( MyVideo );
info = get(xyloObj);

info =

          Duration: 50.4746
              Name: 'SuperMarioTest.mp4'
              Path: 'C:\Users\programmer\Documents\MATLAB\'
               Tag: ''
              Type: 'VideoReader'
          UserData: []
      BitsPerPixel: 24
         FrameRate: 29.9700
            Height: 1080
    NumberOfFrames: 1514
       VideoFormat: 'RGB24'
             Width: 1920

Everything works fine and I am able to process the video frame by frame and
save the output in another .mp4 file, but the output video has no audio!:

    mov.cdata = vidFrames(:,:,:,1);
    mov.colormap = [];

I have the following problem: I need the audio to be present in the output
video (the same audio that is present in the input video).

How can I do that???

Thanks a lot for you help!

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