[Eeglablist] Question regarding ICA

paolo federico paolofed at univaq.it
Tue Sep 25 01:05:09 PDT 2012

Hi Davide,

in my (few) experience, you have to reject the EEG trace concerning every
break between blocks. This is actually what I have done with my datasets.

Best regards,


2012/9/21 Davide Baldo <davidebaldo84 at gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> I was wondering about the following problem:
> Assume that your experiment has 2 blocks each with 30 Trials (just a
> random numbers). The experiment is divided into 2 blocks in order to give a
> break to the subject at the end of the first block of 30 trials.
> The EEG data during the break will probably be full of any kinds of
> artifacts.
> My question is the following: Regarding ICA, what do you do with the EEG
> data recording during the break time? I mean, do you use the complete EEG
> signal to run ICA (including the data recorded during the break time) or do
> you remove the noise data recording during the break?
> The point is: if you do not remove that data, then you have a continuous
> signal as input to ICA.
>                    If you do remove that data, you remove a lot of noise,
> but you add a discontinuity in the data you use to run ICA (because you
> must cut the data recorded during the break and join together the remaining
> data)
> Thus...is it better to remove that part of the data or not?
> Does my question make sense? :)
> Thanks in advance for your kind help,
> Davide.
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Paolo Federico, PhD Candidate in Biotechnology
Department of Experimental Medicine, University of L'Aquila
Via Vetoio, Coppito II, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy
email: paolofed at univaq.it
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