[Eeglablist] topoplot incompatibility

Angel Tabullo angeltabullo at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 2 06:21:08 PDT 2012

Hi everyone! I have installed MATLAB 2012 in order to use the NBT plugin for EEGLAB, but since then I've been unable to get any kind of topography plot, neither from EEGLAB nor NBT. This includes study plots, topographies from individual subjects and ICA plots.

This is the kind of error message I get: 

Error using griddata (line 70)
Unknown method.

Error in topoplot (line 956)
  [Xi,Yi,Zi] = griddata(inty,intx,intValues,yi',xi,'invdist'); %
  interpolate data

Error in std_chantopo (line 284)
            topoplot( tmpplot, opt.chanlocs, 'style', 'map',
            'shading', 'interp');

Error in std_erpplot (line 347)
        std_chantopo(erpdata, 'condnames', STUDY.condition,
        'plottopo', fastif(length(allinds)==1, 'off', 'on'), ...

Error in pop_chanplot (line 302)
            eval(a); STUDY.history =  sprintf('%s\n%s',
            STUDY.history, a);
Error using waitfor
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

Did anybody had the same problem? Do I need other version of topoplot that is compatible with the latest Matlab? If so, where do I get it?

Many thanks in advance!
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