[Eeglablist] Average Reference

Claudio Georgii Claudio.Georgii at stud.sbg.ac.at
Fri Mar 13 06:12:32 PDT 2015

i am Claudio Georgii, a Ph.D. student at the University of Salzburg,
Austria. I am currently working with EEGlab to analyse my EEG data in the
source space using the measure projection toolbox (MPT).

I try do evaluate know whether using an online average reference (64
electrode system) has an impact on the source distribution. As far as i
know by now, different reference electrodes do not affect the scalp
distribution. But have different electrode montages, while using an online
average reference, an impact on the scalp distribution?

I asked me this question, because theoretically the summed activity of all
electrodes equals zero only if you have a comprehensive electrode montage.
Thus, are 64 electrodes enough for using an online average reference?

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