[Eeglablist] How to get same time points of different epoch in the function newtimef?

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Wed Apr 1 14:50:09 PDT 2015

Dear anonymous friend,

The superficial temporal resolution is determined in this way.


   1. 1000ms window length (i.e. half of its length will be removed from
   the both ends of the epoch length)
   2. from -1000ms to 2000ms epoch length
   3. 200 timesout

then you'll see -500ms to 1500ms divided by 200 == 10 ms time resolution in
the output plot. If you want to have the same output, you need to feed the
same length of the data, which should be possible.

See slide 21 of this pdf


On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 2:40 AM, <methodlearning at sina.cn> wrote:

> Hi Makoto,
> Thanks a lot for your reply!
> If I use the function newtimef to decompose epochs of different conditions
> and give input parameter "timesout" the same value, the time points output
> after 0 ms will be very different across conditions because the time spans
> were different .For example, if I decompose different epochs using the
> same function newtimef(EEG.data(elec,:,:)EEG.pnts,[EEG.xmin
> EEG.xmax]*1000,500,’cycles’,[2
> 0.5],'baseline',BaselineVector,'timesout',250,'nfreqs',93,'winsize',250),the
> time points output after 0 ms for condition A will be :[6 14 20 26 34 40 46
> 52 60 66 72 80 86 92...];
> and condition B :[4 12 22 30 38 46 54 62 72 80 ...];
> and condition C:[4 10 16 22 28 34 40 46...].
> However, I need to compare ersp value across conditions on the same time
> points using ANOVA after decomposing. The decomposing results of condition
> A mentioned above included the ersp data at the time point"6", and results
> of condition B and C didn't include the time point"6",so we can't do ANOAV.
> And I am not interested in the ersp value before 0 ms .
>  So I need to know how to get ersp value on one-one corresponding time
> points after 0 ms across conditions of different epoch span.Maybe I need
> to know newtimef algorithm of determining time points output ,to adjust the
> input parameter "timesout", to get ersp value on one-one corresponding time
> points across conditions(after 0 ms) .
> I am not sure if I made myself clear now?
> Thank you again for your help!
>   I.P.
> ----- 原始邮件 -----
> 发件人:Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>
> 收件人:methodlearning at sina.cn
> 抄送人:eeglablist <eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu>
> 主题:Re: [Eeglablist] How to get same time points of different epoch in the
> function newtimef?
> 日期:2015年03月31日 03点40分
> Dear I.P.,
> I need more info (data) to answer to your question. What do you mean by
> 'so different'?
> Makoto
> M
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 10:34 PM, <methodlearning at sina.cn> wrote:
> Hi all,
>       In the time-frequency analysis,the epoch methods of different
> conditions were different:
> The epoch of condition A was [-1400 800]ms,and the baseline was [-1300
> -1000]ms;
> The epoch of condition B was [-1832 800]ms ,and the baseline was[-1732
> -1432]ms;
> The epoch of condition C was [-1220 800]ms ,and the baseline was[-1120
> -820]ms;
>    I am not interested in the  decomposition results before 0 ms,but I
> need to compare above conditions on the time points after 0 ms.
> I did this using the function newtimef,but the output time points of
> conditions were so different that I can't compare these conditions .How can
> I get same time points after 0 ms of different epoch?
> Thank you ! I am very appreciated your answers!
>                                                     I.P.
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> --
> Makoto Miyakoshi
> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego

Makoto Miyakoshi
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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