[Eeglablist] Epoch multi-word ERP

Isaiah Innis isainnis at umail.iu.edu
Mon Apr 13 12:58:54 PDT 2015

Hello eeglablist:

We are planning a language ERP study exploring object versus subject
relative clauses. The plan is to examine both word-by-word and whole
sentence length processing, following the example set in this paper: (
http://kutaslab.ucsd.edu/people/kutas/pdfs/1995.JCN.376.pdf). Stimuli are
sentences presented one word at a time, followed by a comprehension probe
sentence (subjects have up to 6000 msec to respond).

The problem is, that paper provides only a gross description of how they
epoched their EEG data. This has left us with a few questions:

1. Is there a way to extract epochs from sentences with different lengths?
Some trials have 12 word sentences, others 13 words etc. . .

2. Since the subject may take up to 6000msec in their response, is it
possible to have variable epoch endpoints based on when they responded?

In general, our questions are about how to deal with variance in the
stimulus/trial length when epoching. The above paper apparently handled
 such differences in test stimuli length, but does not describe how they
did so.

Any insight or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time,
Isaiah Innis
Indiana University '13
EEG Technician, IUB IRF
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