[Eeglablist] power spectral density computation in P300 training data

alessandro.marassi at libero.it alessandro.marassi at libero.it
Wed Jul 8 14:16:36 PDT 2015

I performed an audio P300 StimulusPresentation experiment in which the audio signal has a duration of 375 ms and the interstimulus interval lasts 1250 ms.
I would like to get a spectral plot of density power of:

1. an overall chosen EEG channel on all available data;
2. over the 1000 ms preceding the Stimulus begin event on all epochs;
3. over the first 600 ms following the Stimulus begin events on all epochs;
4. over the first 600 ms following the Stimulus begin events in the attended stimuli epochs;
5. over the first 600 ms following the Stimulus begin events in the unattended stimuli epochs;

In order to get 1. I tried:
Plot/Channel Properties or Plot/Channel Spectra and Maps

In order to get 2. and 3. I first used Tools/Extract Epochs by StimulusBegin in order to subdivide data in epochs and then Plot/Channel Spectra and Maps, selecting time begin-end respectively as -1000 0 and 0 600.

In order to get 4. and 5. I first followed the procedure to select attended/unattended events by Edit/Select Epochs or Events applied on the extracted epochs dataset and then Plot/Channel Properties or Plot/Channel Spectra and Maps

Am I correct?
Should anything else be used (i.e. Edit/Select data using events) or EEGLab scripts employing functions such as timef, pop_spectopo, instead?

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