[Eeglablist] Loading channel locations without GUI and pop_functions

Frans Zdyb frzdyb at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 05:29:59 PDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I'm currently writing an extension to eeglab. Unfortunately I don't have
much experience using eeglab itself; therefore I have a few beginner

1) Is there a way to load channel locations from a .mat file without going
through Edit->Channel Locations? The way I do it now is to load the
chanlocs struct into matlab and run " EEG.chanlocs = chanlocs " and open
Edit->Channel Locations and press ok; surely there must be a way to do it
without GUI. I've tried using pop_chanedit, without success.

2) I've written several pop_[functions] as part of the extension, which
alter fields in the EEG struct and add a few new ones. After running them,
pop_newset() asks me to save the results as a new dataset. Is this normal
eeglab behavior? Why not just overwrite the old one?

I apologize if these questions have been answered before, but I couldn't
find it in the archives.

Thanks in advance,
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