[Eeglablist] contrast single-condition ersp/erp with baseline/zero: statistics

Simon Ruch simon.ruch at psy.unibe.ch
Tue Sep 15 01:25:08 PDT 2015


I would like to contrast my evoked potentials/perturbations against the 
pre-stimulus baseline, respectively against zero (for baseline corrected 
data). I would like to perform significance tests that tell me 
where/when/at what frequencies the signal peaks. My basic question is: 
what ERP/ERSP does my sound presented during sleep evoke? To compute 
statistics, eeglab requires two conditions. How can I perform a 
one-sample test against zero or the baseline?

My approach so far:
I created a dummy dataset as zero-control condition for each 
participant. In this dataset:  EEG.data(:,:,:) = 0. I used these 
datasets to create a repeated measures study design (stimulus vs. zero 
condition) and precomputed study parameters. In the spectral data 
generated for the control condition files (*.datersp), I replaced all 
NaNs with zeros and set the baseline (chanX_erspbase) to the baseline of 
the real data of the respective participant. This allowed me to perform 
tests against the baseline for both ERPs and ERSPs

While this works fine, I was wondering if there is an easier and more 
elegant approach to what I want.

Kind regards
Simon Ruch


*Simon Ruch, Dr. phil.*
University of Bern
Department of Psychology, Division of Experimental Psychology and 
Center for Cognition, Learning and Memory (CCLM)
Office A 362
Fabrikstrasse 8
CH-3012 Bern
Phone +41 (0)31 631 37 29
mailto:simon.ruch at psy.unibe.ch
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