[Eeglablist] AMICA lrate gets stuck
Kevin Tan
kevintan at cmu.edu
Mon Oct 26 22:30:36 PDT 2015
Hi all,
Sorry for forgetting to respond to this. I actually just concatenated my
experiment & localizer datasets to solve this issue, and to get equivalent
source localization for both datasets.
However, I think the non-descending IC order issue was due to leaving the
"do_sphere" flag on when I had already pre-sphered the data.
Hope this helps someone in the future
Kevin Alastair M. Tan
Lab Manager/Research Assistant
Department of Psychology & Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
Carnegie Mellon University
tarrlab.org/kevintan <http://tarrlabwiki.cnbc.cmu.edu/index.php/KevinTan>
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>
> Dear Kevin,
> Sorry for my slow response.
> > For my short datasets, I'm using your fix for significant dimension
> reduction (due to lack of datapoints). The resulting ICs aren't quite
> ordered in descending amplitude: some bottom ICs seem almost as strong as
> first ICs. Also, the "cognitive" ICs are spread all over, whereas without
> dim reduction they're mostly at the top. Is this normal?
> This seems to indicate failure in ica. But you need to identify what type
> of failure. It could be rank deficiency, or confusion in channels/weight
> matrix.
> There is an example of ica-decomposd time series in this page. This is the
> case of failure in ica weight matrix.
> http://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/Makoto's_preprocessing_pipeline
> I've also seen the opposite case i.e. good time series but completely
> messed up scalp topos. I received the dataset for debugging and replicated
> the issue, but I could not identify immediately what was wrong (maybe I
> should catch Jason to ask it...)
> Makoto
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 9:27 PM, Kevin Tan <kevintan at cmu.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Jason,
>> Thanks again for sending me this fix.
>> For my short datasets, I'm using your fix for significant dimension
>> reduction (due to lack of datapoints). The resulting ICs aren't quite
>> ordered in descending amplitude: some bottom ICs seem almost as strong as
>> first ICs. Also, the "cognitive" ICs are spread all over, whereas without
>> dim reduction they're mostly at the top. Is this normal?
>> My implementation:
>>> nmIC = floor(sqrt(size(EEG.data(:, :), 2) / 30));
>>> [U, D] = eig(cov(EEG.data(:, :)'));
>>> U = fliplr(U);
>>> D = rot90(D, 2);
>>> dd = diag(D);
>>> Sph = diag(sqrt(1./dd(1:nmIC))) * U(:, 1:nmIC)';
>>> newdat = Sph * EEG.data(:, :);
>>> [W,S,mods] = runamica12(newdat, ....);
>> Many thanks for your continued help!
>> –Kevin
>> --
>> Kevin Alastair M. Tan
>> Lab Manager/Research Assistant
>> Department of Psychology & Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
>> Carnegie Mellon University
>> Baker Hall 434
>> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/40%C2%B026%2729.5%22N+79%C2%B056%2744.0%22W/@40.4414869,-79.9455701,61m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0>
>> | kevintan at cmu.edu | tarrlab.org/kevintan
>> <http://tarrlabwiki.cnbc.cmu.edu/index.php/KevinTan>
>> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 12:28 AM, Jason Palmer <japalmer29 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Sorry this line should be:
>>> >> [W,S,mods] = runamica12(newdat, ....);
>>> *From:* Jason Palmer [mailto:japalmer at ucsd.edu]
>>> *Sent:* Monday, August 24, 2015 9:17 PM
>>> *To:* 'Kevin Tan'; 'mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu'; 'EEGLAB List'
>>> *Subject:* RE: [Eeglablist] AMICA lrate gets stuck
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> Sorry, there is a bug in the code tries to take the sqrt of the negative
>>> eigenvalue (even though that dimension is being removed) making the LL=NaN
>>> and aborting. The eigenvalue is actually essentially zero, resulting from
>>> rank deficiency likely due to re-referencing, so more cleaning won’t
>>> necessarily change the arbitrarily small value to positive, unless you
>>> increase the dimensionality of the data. I’m currently fixing this bug
>>> along with some other sphering and PCA issues and will release debugged
>>> versions soon.
>>> For now you can do the work around of sphering before Amica, e.g.
>>> >> [U,D] = eig(cov(EEG.data(:,:)’));
>>> >> U = fliplr(U); D = fliplr(flipud(D)); % make
>>> descending order
>>> >> dd = diag(D); numeig = sum(dd > 1e-9);
>>> >> Sph = diag(sqrt(1./dd(1:numeig))) * U(:,1:numeig)‘;
>>> >> newdat = Sph * EEG.data(:,:); % reduce to numeigs
>>> dimensions
>>> >> [W,S,mods] = runamica12(EEG.data(:,:), ....);
>>> >> EEG.icasphere = S*Sph;
>>> >> EEG.icaweights = W;
>>> This should run amica on full rank data an avoid the negative near zero
>>> eigenvalue problem until it is fixed in the Amica code.
>>> Best,
>>> Jason
>>> *From:* Kevin Tan [mailto:kevintan at cmu.edu <kevintan at cmu.edu>]
>>> *Sent:* Monday, August 24, 2015 6:39 PM
>>> *To:* Jason Palmer; mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu; EEGLAB List
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Eeglablist] AMICA lrate gets stuck
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> I'm running into a negative min eigenvalue issue for ~25% of my
>>> subjects. This results in the binary not exporting anything to the amica
>>> output dir, stopping the main loop prematurely.
>>> Before running AMICA, the data is fairly aggressively cleaned:
>>> 1) PREP pipeline
>>> 2) remove mastoids & PREP-interpolated chans for rank reduction
>>> 3) 1hz hi-pass
>>> 4) epoch no baseline correction
>>> 5) epoch rejection (ch means deviation, variance, max amplitude dif >
>>> 2.5 SDs)
>>> Not sure what else I can do to clean the data to make the eigenvalues
>>> positive.
>>> I'm using Biosemi 128ch which is known for dynamic range issues, but I
>>> run everything in double. Not sure if demeaning each channel would help
>>> since it's already hi-passed.
>>> Also, not sure if it matters, but AMICA seems to do dimension reduction
>>> despite me removing channels to make up for 'robust' reference rank
>>> reduction.
>>> For the subjects that do run on AMICA, the ICs seem a lot cleaner than
>>> Infomax, which makes me want to stick to AMICA.
>>> Bad subject log example:
>>> 1 : data = -2.3969683647155762 -2.910743236541748
>>> getting the mean ...
>>> mean = -7.73083349593588626E-2 -8.98852135101791128E-2
>>> -0.17064473790401868
>>> subtracting the mean ...
>>> getting the sphering matrix ...
>>> cnt = 706560
>>> doing eig nx = 128 lwork = 163840
>>> minimum eigenvalues = -4.02618476752492072E-14 0.59534647773064309
>>> 0.66105027982216646
>>> maximum eigenvalues = 3718.0696499000956 2980.9762500746847
>>> 1012.6027880321443
>>> num eigs kept = 127
>>> numeigs = 127
>>> Good subject log example:
>>> 1 : data = 3.1855385303497314 5.7855358123779297
>>> getting the mean ...
>>> mean = -0.38155908557715745 -0.27761248863920301 -0.3608881566308772
>>> subtracting the mean ...
>>> getting the sphering matrix ...
>>> cnt = 703488
>>> doing eig nx = 130 lwork = 169000
>>> minimum eigenvalues = 1.35676859295476523E-13 0.80288149429025613
>>> 1.1256218532296671
>>> maximum eigenvalues = 9749.2425686202987 1277.5793884179475
>>> 700.98046655297128
>>> num eigs kept = 129
>>> numeigs = 129
>>> Many many thanks for the continued help!
>>> –Kevin
>>> --
>>> Kevin Alastair M. Tan
>>> Lab Manager/Research Assistant
>>> Department of Psychology & Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
>>> Carnegie Mellon University
>>> Baker Hall 434
>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/40%C2%B026%2729.5%22N+79%C2%B056%2744.0%22W/@40.4414869,-79.9455701,61m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0>
>>> | kevintan at cmu.edu | tarrlab.org/kevintan
>>> <http://tarrlabwiki.cnbc.cmu.edu/index.php/KevinTan>
>>> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 7:36 PM, Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Kevin and Jason,
>>> In the Figure 1 of the following paper, you can see an example of the
>>> shift of log likelihood of AMICA model along with iteration.
>>> Rissling AJ, Miyakoshi M, Sugar CA, Braff DL, Makeig S, Light GA.
>>> (2014). Cortical substrates and functional correlates of auditory deviance
>>> processing deficits in schizophrenia. Neuroimage Clin. Oct 01; 6 424-437
>>> You can see that after 700 iterations there is no 'jump' any more, which
>>> may correspond to what Jason says reaching to the 'noise floor'. In the
>>> beta version (?) of AMICA we use here in SCCN, it has a convergence
>>> criterion and usually stops at around 1000 iterations (smallest I saw was
>>> around 700, maximum 1500).
>>> Kevin, your questions are always very interesting and I learn a lot from
>>> them. Thank you Jason for your answers and sharing knowledge.
>>> Makoto
>>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Jason Palmer <japalmer29 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> The Infomax wchange is actually the weight change TIMES the lrate, which
>>> is going to 1e-7. So the actual final wchange for extended infomax is 1e7 *
>>> wchange.
>>> For Amica, if the nd weight change gets down to the 10^-5 magnitude,
>>> that is usually about the best you can expect with the large number of
>>> parameters being estimated and the finite computer precision. How small it
>>> can get depends on the number of samples you have compared to the number of
>>> channels. More channels = more parameters (nchan^2) = relatively little
>>> data = “noisier” convergence. More data = better determined optimum = less
>>> noisy convergence = smaller nd. For 64 channels with 100,000 samples, an nd
>>> of 10^-5 sounds appropriate.
>>> However you can change “maxiter” from the default 2000, using the
>>> ‘maxiter’ keyword. This LL should continue to increase and the nd decrease
>>> (or at least not increase) beyond 2000 iterations, but not significantly.
>>> There should be a weight change “noise floor” reached, where the LL
>>> continues to increase by less and less, with possible reductions in lrate,
>>> and the nd hovers around the “noise floor”.
>>> Best,
>>> Jason
>>> *From:* Kevin Tan [mailto:kevintan at cmu.edu]
>>> *Sent:* Monday, August 17, 2015 4:21 PM
>>> *To:* japalmer at ucsd.edu; EEGLAB List
>>> *Subject:* Re: AMICA lrate gets stuck
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> Thanks so much for the detailed response, really helps clarify what
>>> drives the lrate changes between the two implementations.
>>> However, for the same dataset processed the same way, AMICA yields
>>> higher wchange at last iteration (0.0000464763) versus extended Infomax
>>> (0.000000).
>>> What are some reasons for this discrepancy, and what can I do improve
>>> it? Or is weight change between the two implementations not comparable? The
>>> entire AMICA log is linked in original post if that helps.
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Kevin
>>> --
>>> Kevin Alastair M. Tan
>>> Lab Manager/Research Assistant
>>> Department of Psychology & Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
>>> Carnegie Mellon University
>>> Baker Hall 434
>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/40%C2%B026%2729.5%22N+79%C2%B056%2744.0%22W/@40.4414869,-79.9455701,61m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0>
>>> | kevintan at cmu.edu | tarrlab.org/kevintan
>>> <http://tarrlabwiki.cnbc.cmu.edu/index.php/KevinTan>
>>> On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 7:06 PM, Jason Palmer <japalmer29 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>> The Amica lrate is not supposed to decrease. The algorithm is a more
>>> typical gradient descent / Newton optimization algorithm, as opposed to the
>>> Infomax implementation in runica.m, which uses a type of simulated
>>> annealing, deciding whether to reduce the learning rate based on the angle
>>> between recent update directions. The idea there is that this angle will be
>>> small when the algorithm is near an optimum, as though it is “heading right
>>> for it”, so the lrate gets reduced if the algorithm is moving “erratically”
>>> with a large angle between consecutive directions, and doesn’t get reduced
>>> if the estimate is “moving smoothly”. In practice, this annealing method
>>> usually ends up in fact reducing the learning rate continuously until it
>>> reaches the preset minimum, which usually happens at around 500 iterations
>>> (500 reductions). I.e. the angle is never actually small, so the stopping
>>> condition is essentially a maximum number of iterations, with the updates
>>> being of smaller and smaller magnitude due to the lrate decreasing.
>>> Amica only reduces the lrate if the likelihood decreases. In theory,
>>> with a reasonable optimum, an optimization algorithm should be able to
>>> converge without reducing the learning rate. The convergence is measured by
>>> the weight change (the nd in the amica output) independently of the lrate.
>>> That is, the weight change should theoretically decrease to zero with a
>>> constant (sufficiently small) lrate—the higher the better since higher
>>> lrate means faster convergence. A potential issue with the runica Infomax
>>> is early convergence if you are starting far from the optimum. Fortunately
>>> the optimum is usually not far from the “sphering” starting point, so 500
>>> iterations is usually enough to converge (even with decreasing lrate).
>>> So in Amica, the convergence is judged by the “nd”, not the lrate. The
>>> lrate should be ideally be 0.5 or 1.0, and the LL should be increasing, and
>>> the nd should be decreasing to zero.
>>> Hope that is helpful.
>>> Best,
>>> Jason
>>> *From:* Kevin Tan [mailto:kevintan at cmu.edu]
>>> *Sent:* Monday, August 17, 2015 2:31 PM
>>> *To:* jason at sccn.ucsd.edu; EEGLAB List
>>> *Subject:* AMICA lrate gets stuck
>>> Hi Dr. Palmer & EEGLAB list,
>>> I'm trying out AMICA for artifact rejection and DIPFIT. In my tests, the
>>> lrate consistently gets stuck at 0.5, stopping only due to max iteration
>>> limit. This does not happen with extended Infomax.
>>> This happens whether I use the cluster (128 threads) or a normal PC (4
>>> threads). I run AMICA 'locally' as it's called within a matlab script
>>> already run via PBS, not sure if that makes a difference.
>>> Here's the AMICA test stream:
>>> - PREP pipeline
>>> - Remove PREP-interpolated channels
>>> - Remove 1 additional channel for rank consistency
>>> - 1hz FIR hi-pass
>>> - Epoch -500 to 1000ms no baseline correction
>>> - Epoch rejection
>>> - AMICA (using EEG(:,:) -- is it ok to concatenate epochs like this?)
>>> Here's the output log (using the cluster):
>>> https://cmu.box.com/s/t7j3shmwjj1wj8to80au8mdm6b5676rh
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Kevin
>>> --
>>> Kevin Alastair M. Tan
>>> Lab Manager/Research Assistant
>>> Department of Psychology & Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
>>> Carnegie Mellon University
>>> Baker Hall 434
>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/40%C2%B026%2729.5%22N+79%C2%B056%2744.0%22W/@40.4414869,-79.9455701,61m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0>
>>> | kevintan at cmu.edu | tarrlab.org/kevintan
>>> <http://tarrlabwiki.cnbc.cmu.edu/index.php/KevinTan>
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>>> --
>>> Makoto Miyakoshi
>>> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
>>> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
> --
> Makoto Miyakoshi
> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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