[Eeglablist] Changing group/condition after precomputation

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Wed Dec 2 10:42:51 PST 2015

Dear Iman,

> Does anyone have any SUCCESSFUL experience about changing group/condition
for a subject(s) at STUDY level and *after precomputation*.

No. If I understand correctly, STUDY design does not have such post-hoc
flexibility at all. If you change STUDY design, you need to precompute
everything again. A small exception may be that when you add subjects you
can precompute the additional ones with the same STUDY design but with
different STUDY and integrate into the original STUDY later; you can start
from preculustering in this case.


On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Iman Mohammad-Rezazadeh <
irezazadeh at ucdavis.edu> wrote:

> Hi EEGLABers,
> Does anyone have any SUCCESSFUL experience about changing group/condition
> for a subject(s) at STUDY level and *after precomputation*. I have been
> trying to write a script to change STUDY.design data ( see below) and then
> realized that I have to change STUDY.datasetinfo . I did that but again
> when I plot the subject data which I changed its grp/condition the old
> labels showed up in the plot. Then I found I have to change STUDY.changrp
> as well but it really complicated and hard to track the script.
> Any suggestions?
> Best,
> Iman
> function
> STUDY=Change_Subject_Var(STUDY,design_no,case_no,var_no,new_var_name)
> %Change_Subject_Var(STUDY,design_no,case_no,var_no,new_var_name)
> no_file=length(STUDY.design(1).cell);
> for i=1:no_file
>     temp_case=STUDY.design(design_no).cell(i).case;
>     if strcmp(temp_case,case_no)
>         STUDY.design(design_no).cell(i).value(var_no)=new_var_name;
>     end
> end
> no_file=length(STUDY.datasetinfo);
> for i=1:no_file
>     temp_case=STUDY.datasetinfo(i).subject;
>     if strcmp(temp_case,case_no)
>         STUDY.datasetinfo(i).group=cell2mat(new_var_name);
>     end
> end
> end

Makoto Miyakoshi
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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