[Eeglablist] 64 channel Acticap locations file

Judith Schomaker j.schomaker at vu.nl
Fri Jan 8 06:08:03 PST 2016

Dear all,

I am looking for a .loc file to import electrode locations of data 
acquired with the 64 channel Acticap. I found several files online. 
These .rwksp files, http://easycap.brainproducts.com/e/contents.htm and 
.mat files, http://fieldtrip.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/template/layout/
But I am not sure what the format is of these files, and how to import 
them in EEGlab.
Does someone have a .loc file with the electrode locations?
Any help is appreciated!

Kind regards,
Judith Schomaker

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