[Eeglablist] Problem with data import

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 17:48:51 PST 2016

Hello Christopher, there's usually no problem in this process. You do not
need to ever use file IO for Netstation files in eeglab.

Please Note that .raw format is not the native Netstaton format, it's the
format that Netstation exports the files into when you select "binary
simple format " in netstation. IN your note it sounds like you're
transforming .raw files into binary simple format files within Netstation,
but I think it's a typo on your part.

The way things work usually is that one exports RAW files from Netstation,
that is all. I export continuous. If you need epochs, I recommend just
making all the epochs you need in eeglab, and making sure you have the
right events stored in your export file.

Some suggestions below:
Netstation has several export settings. I'd recommend taking a closer look
at the Export Chapter if you haven't had a chance to yet.
Also, try exporting in several different ways, and show yourself that each
of those works or does not.
Make sure you are using recent eeglab version. Make sure the folder is
clean/new and thre's no interfering programs or settings associated with
Make sure the file exported from Netstation is in the .raw format
Make sure the file exported from Netstation has data in it (check file size)
Show yourself that this problem does not happen with the Netstation
Waveform Tutorial files
Make sure your original Netstation file (it should be in netstation, egis,
or mff format) is healthy and is not causing the issue.
If you are trying to export an epoched file, try it with a continuous (not
epoched) file
Check the MFF import plugin that is currently distributed with eeglab, it's
supposed to work with the new EGI file format
Try it without epoch marking

Let me know if you're still having trouble after checking these things. Let
us know if you figure out the problem too :)

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 7:54 PM, Christopher Barkley <barkl025 at umn.edu>

> Hi all. I am not sure if this constitutes a true bug, so I thought I'd try
> emailing the list first to see if anyone else has encountered the same
> issue. I am attempting to import files acquired using NetStation, that have
> been converted from .raw format to Netstation binary simple format within
> the NetStation software itself (the file has also been epoch marked). Using
> the GUI, I use file --> import data --> from net station binary simple
> file. Import stalls, and then I get the error: "EEGLAB error in function
> pop_readegi() in line 193. Subscript indices must be either positive
> integers or logicals." Attempting to import the file using the FILE-IO
> interface results in an "unsupported header format," so I am at a bit of a
> loss based on what I can find online and in the tutorial. Any help would be
> much appreciated. Sincerely.
> Chris Barkley
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