[Eeglablist] plotting group level ERSPs with only specified subjects

Kinzel, Chantelle C CKinzel at mednet.ucla.edu
Mon Mar 7 11:48:31 PST 2016


Within the study design I would like to plot group level ERSPs without specific subjects from each group, rather than the entire group. I want to do this to plot group level ERSPs without outliers included, which were identified after creating the study (from extracting values) without having to re-create the study design.

I tried using the following code, however it still just plotted all the groups with all the subjects (I think from the 'subjects' being pluralized:

STUDY = std_erspplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'channels',{'Fp1'}, 'subjects', {'subjID1'  'subjID2'  'subjID3'}, 'plotsubjects', 'off' );

Yet if I run the same command with 'subject' ( not pluralized) then I get the following error message:

Error using std_erspplot (line 164)
std_erspstatplot error: argument 'subject' must be a string

If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated!


Chantelle Kinzel,
Research Associate
A7-435 UCLA, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
Email: ckinzel at mednet.ucla.edu
Phone: (425) 760-8669

"As long as our brain is a mystery, the universe, the reflection of the structure of the brain will also be a mystery." - Santiago Ramon y Cajal


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