[Eeglablist] Image Segmentation Saving

Greg Mierzwinski gmierz1 at live.ca
Tue May 17 12:49:30 PDT 2016


I seem to be receiving an error whenever I try to save either the "Filtered Image" or "Segmentation" image from the Image Segmentation sub-menu of NFT. I'm wondering if I am causing this problem by not having something set correctly or if this is a bug? Here is the error I get:


Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.

Error in Segmentation>pushbuttonSaveFiltered_Callback (line 957)
   filt_im(:,:,i) = rot90(filt_im(:,:,i),3);

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 75)

Error in Segmentation (line 61)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in

Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback


The image I am trying to segment has dimensions 290x200x290.

I did some more digging into the |pushbuttonSaveFiltered_Callback| and noticed that 'i' was 1 when it stopped working but the value of M was 290. From what I can see here, the image should be in a saggital orientation, but it seems as if it should work with or without the specific orientation.



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