[Eeglablist] Filtering in EEGLab

Victor Flores Benites suryavf at gmail.com
Mon May 30 13:49:50 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I am working in the developed a BCI online in C++.
In offline tests EEGLab I have obtained good results with the function
pop_eegfiltnew(). I want to apply this filter in the online application.
I understand that the window FIR filter is Hamming. The order is calculated
using an equation.
The function firfilt() performs filtering. The code starts with pad
beginning of data with DC constant and get initial conditions (this
indicates the code comments).
After, filtering is performed by blocks. Finally, pad ending of data with
DC constant.

Accordingly, my questions are:

   - What equation is used to calculate the filter order?
   - What does it mean pad beginning/end?
   - Because filtering is done by blocks?

Thank you for your help!

Victor Flores Benites
Egresado Ingeniería Electrónica
Practicante Profesional - UTEC
+(51) 975712054 - RPM: #975712054
suryavf at gmail.com | vflores at utec.edu.pe <vfloresb at uni.pe> | vfloresb at uni.pe
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