[Eeglablist] Problems with Creating Study and running precomputing - preclustering

Maya Pinacle mayapinacle at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 03:45:29 PDT 2016


I have just started using STUDY with EEGLAB, I have data from 10 subjects
in different 10 folders, each collected for only one condition and I would
like to extract clusters of ICs of those datasets using STUDY. I have
already run ICA and Dipfit to extract ICs and corresponding dipoles. When I
create a Study with those 10 subject's data and save it to a folder and
again want to load it back to the EEGLAB, I always get this warning message
in a popup window which says

''Warning: ICA ERSP or ITC data files computed with old version of EEGLAB
for design 1 (and maybe other designs). These files may be corrupted and
must be recomputed.''

and also in the command line there is a warning saying

'' Error using eeglab (line 1006)
Error: ()-indexing must appear last in an index expression.
You are using the latest version of EEGLAB.
Warning: STUDY moved since last saved, trying to load data files using
relative path
pop_loadset(): loading file C:\Users\tc025847\Desktop\Mitchell Replica
Experiment Files\EEG only\DATA\3\Category_5_ICAremoved.set ...
Reading float file 'C:\Users\tc025847\Desktop\Mitchell Replica Experiment
Files\EEG only\DATA\3\Category_5_ICAremoved.fdt'... ''

This message continues for each single file that I have used to create
STUDY. However there is no change of datesets' location at all but STUDY
seems struggling to find the datasets. Eventually EEGLAB seems loading the
*.study file and I run preclustering on the data, however there is no
preclustering parameters are set either.

These are the code lines how I run precomputing and preclustering

% precomputing
 [STUDY ALLEEG] = std_precomp(STUDY, ALLEEG,
'components','erp','on','erpparams',{'rmbase' [-200 1]
},'scalp','on','spec','on','specparams',{'specmode' 'fft' 'logtrials'
'off'},'erpim','on','erpimparams',{'nlines' 10 'smoothing'
10},'ersp','on','erspparams',{'cycles' [3 0.5] 'freqs' [3 45] 'alpha' 0.01
'padratio' 1},'itc','on');

 % preclustering
 [STUDY ALLEEG] = std_preclust(STUDY, ALLEEG, 1,{'spec' 'npca' 5 'norm' 1
'weight' 1 'freqrange' [3 45] },{'erp' 'npca' 5 'norm' 1 'weight' 1
'timewindow' [-500 1000] },{'scalp' 'npca' 5 'norm' 1 'weight' 1 'abso'
1},{'dipoles' 'norm' 1 'weight' 10},{'ersp' 'npca' 5 'freqrange' [3 45]
'timewindow' [-500 1000]  'norm' 1 'weight' 1},{'itc' 'npca' 5 'freqrange'
[3 45]  'timewindow' [-500 1000]  'norm' 1 'weight' 1},{'finaldim' 'npca'

These codes run smoothly however there is no parameters stored in
theStudy.cluster.precluster.preclusterparams and preclusterdata

And when I run all these processes on the sample data I got the same error
messages and nothing was stored in those Study structures at all.

Is there anyone encountered this problem before? Do you have any idea what
could be the problem? I would appreciate any help please.

Thank you,

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