[Eeglablist] Details of analysing data

Fang-Yu Chang hardheard101 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 07:07:08 PDT 2016

Dear EEGLABlisters,

I would like to ask three questions.

If I would like to apply ICA metrics which is from high-pass at 1 hz to
high-pass at 0.01hz dataset, should the dataset be same condition? In my
situation, before running ICA, should removed bad channels be the same for
both 1 Hz and 0.01 Hz high-pass filtered datasets.

About creating STUDY. By "Makoto's preprocessing pipeline" reads "Importantly,
creating STUDY means you clean your data, because you can 1) Exclude
dipoles with > 15% residual variance (Artoni et al., 2014), and 2) outside
brain. Don't forget that this is very powerful cleaning, and this is why
you don't need to manually reject ICs at the individual level. Don't forget
to set STUDY.design before you start precompute." My question is can eye
blinks be removed as well during this step?

I applied 1 Hz high-pass filter, imported channel location, removed bad
channels, did re-reference to average (discard 1 channel) and then ran ICA.
However, there was a message showing a rank-deficient in the dataset.
Should I continue anyways? Or are there any other ways to solve this kind
of problem?

Thanks your help in advance.

Fang-Yu Chang
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