[Eeglablist] comparing conditions

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 21:33:24 PST 2017

Hi Jumana, so yes, it seems you can have one full file per participant, and
that this "don't make condition files" approach is more flexible.

1. For the tutorials, I recommend just using the tutorial data that is
there, including a study data set that has multiple subjects and condition

2. If you wish, you should be able to use the "full continuous subject
files" from the tutorial to build the conditions in the STUDY design
utility mentioned in the text you sent. However there may not be a tutorial
for doing that, though there should be basic documentation on STUDY
capabilities in the STUDY part of the online eeglab documentation wiki.

3. For your purposes, okay, so you should have one processed and cleaned
continuous file per subject. Load each one of them up, and then follow
available instructions and GUI prompts to build condition metrics using the
STUDY utility. You may have to play around with it a bit to get things
working perfectly for you. Send new questions to the list after you've had
a chance to play around with the study function.

ps. remember to thoroughly examine all the STUDY documentation too. Check
out the links when you type "eeglab study" into google, for example.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 4:43 AM, Ahmad, Jumana <jumana.ahmad at kcl.ac.uk>

> Do I just do everything the same as the tutorials but per condition, keep
> loading the same file?
> Best wishes,
> Jumana
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