[Eeglablist] modification of std_selsubject to detect exact matches

Pandelis Perakakis peraka at ugr.es
Thu Feb 2 03:57:39 PST 2017

Dear group,

I found convenient to modify std_selsubject.m by adding the option 'exact' to the strmatch function. In this way, for example, subject 's1'  is not confused with 's10', 's11', etc.

The new line 45 is: 
    selectInds = strmatch(lower(subject), lower(allsubjects),'exact');

And line 64 is:
     subjectind = strmatch(lower(subject), lower(allsubjects),'exact');

In case you want to include this modification in future versions.


Pandelis Perakakis, PhD
Mind, Brain and Behaviour Research Centre (CIMCYC)
University of Granada
Campus Cartuja, 12071

e-mail: peraka at ugr.es
url: pandelisperakakis.wordpress.com

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