[Eeglablist] threshold option in std_plotcurve

Becker, Susanne susanne.becker at zi-mannheim.de
Thu Feb 2 04:49:39 PST 2017

Dear all,

I’m using the std_plotcurve function to plot ERPs in two different conditions. I wanted to used the option „threshold“ with 0.05 as a significance threshold. However, when using the following commend I get an error message:

std_plotcurve(erptimes, contrasts_5(:,1), 'plotconditions', 'together', 'plotstderr', 'on', 'figure', 'on', 'condstats', pvals, 'threshold', 0.05 )

Calculating the stats before with:
[F df pvals] = statcond(contrasts_5(:,1),'method', 'bootstrap‘);

The error message I get is:
Error using  <
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in plotcurve (line 104)
                           Rregions  (find(g.val2mask < g.maskarray)) = 0;

Error in std_plotcurve (line 400)
                    plotcurve( allx, tmpdata{1}, 'colors', tmpcol, 'maskarray',
                    tmpdata{2}, plotopt{3:end}, 'title', opt.titles{c,g});

If I use NaN for the threshold option it works perfectly well. Can anybody tell me what I’m doing wrong?
Best wishes

Susanne Becker, PhD
Head of Research Unit "Psychobiology of Pain“

Department of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience
Central Institute of Mental Health
J5, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)621 1703-6307
Fax: +49 (0)621 1703-6305
Email: susanne.becker at zi-mannheim.de<mailto:susanne.becker at zi-mannheim.de>

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