[Eeglablist] Creating epochs related to the gait cycle

Chesney Craig C.Craig at mmu.ac.uk
Tue Feb 14 03:11:05 PST 2017


I would like to create epochs time-locked to each gait cycle, as has been done in previous papers (Gwin et al., 2010, 2011).

>From my understanding, this was done previously by analysing each gait cycle as a single trial, as EEGLAB doesn't allow epochs of different lengths. Is this correct?

These trials were then time-warped so that heel strikes occurred at the same adjusted latencies. However, could anyone provide more detail on how to perform such timewarping and what this function does? From my reading on the timewarp function, the original time series and warped time series must be the same length. However, I am unclear as to what this means. Does 'original time series' refer to your selected gait cycle to model the others on (e.g. gait cycle 1) and then the function will warp the following gait cycles to the same latencies, which would then result in epochs of the same length?

Following this, I assume I should append the epochs to perform ICA?

Any general advice on creating epochs related to the gait cycle would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Chesney Craig

Research Associate
Valentine 1-3
Department of Exercise and Sport Science
Manchester Metropolitan University Cheshire
Crewe Green Road
Tel: 0161 247 5538

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