[Eeglablist] ERP grand average does not reflect actual latency

Ahmad, Jumana jumana.ahmad at kcl.ac.uk
Tue Mar 28 11:24:31 PDT 2017

How do you estimate latency? If it's point based and if you still have some high freq noise in the data (e.g. The time of the greatest maximum or minimum point) then it could be that you pick up a 'spike point' earlier in one condition that another.

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> On 28 Mar 2017, at 19:07, Shih-Chun Kao <shihchunkao at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear list,
> If I found a statistically significant P3 latency effect (~50ms) between two conditions in a within-subject design study but my grand average plot does not show such difference, what would be the cause for inconsistent results and what does such inconsistency suggest? I understand grand average is not the best illustration but I thought 50ms is a pretty big difference. Thank you!
> Alvin
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