[Eeglablist] ASR and blink artifacts

Nike gnanateja nikegnanateja at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 10:58:27 PDT 2017

Dear List,

I have been trying to use clean_rawdata (ASR) to clean the EEG. I tried
using the default settings. On using the vis_artifacts I saw that most of
the blinks have been reduced drastically following clean_rawdata.

Here are my questions:

1) Is ASR supposed to remove eyeblinks, or am I doing something wrong ?

2) If ASR removes the eyeblinks, should I or should I not use ICA to remove
the blink artifacts ?

3) Is there a way to make sure that ASR just removes huge artifacts like
head movements, channel noise or loose contacts etc., without affecting the
blinks, which can be later removed using ICA ?


G Nike Gnanateja <http://goog_636235333>
Junior Research Fellow,
Department of Audiology,
All India Institute of Speech
and Hearing Mysore-06
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