[Eeglablist] Passing vector elements to pop_select() 'no channel' argument

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 12:27:24 PDT 2017

Hello Laura, some notes below. Congrats on your professorship!

You best bet, if you have not, is as follows:
0. generally speaking this is very easy, and I think it's just a
matter of properly formatting your vector.
You can and should also review the function documentation if you have
not had a chance to yet.. Also if you haven't review the eeglab page
on scripting.

1. Drop periods or channels by using the GUI, select_data

2. After running the GUI successfully, type eegh to review the format
of the info that was given to the functions.
You should clearly see how the time periods to drop are specificed, in
terms of samples or seconds, etc...

3. Then mimic that format 100% in your code. You should have no problem.

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