[Eeglablist] Electro-Cap with tin or Ag/AGCl electrodes

Paolo Bernardis paolobernardis at units.it
Wed Apr 19 04:43:28 PDT 2017

dear ERPs experts,

I have to buy a new cap to replace an old Electro-Cap with Ag/AgCl electrodes.
Usually I record eeg activity to analyze erps, with an old Neuroscan SynAmps.
Now the choice is between tin electrodes or Ag/AgCl, and of course the price is twice for the second cap. Consider that I don't need to compare the data I will record with old data recorded with my old Ag/AgCl cap.
Which one do you suggest? Pros and cons of the two types?

many thanks

Paolo Bernardis


  Paolo                       Department of Life Sciences
  Bernardis                       University of Trieste 

  web                             www.units.it/bernardis
  address                           via E. Weiss, 21
                                         34128 Trieste - Italy

  contact                           +39 040 558 8872


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