[Eeglablist] Data rank reduction before ICA

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 12:48:53 PDT 2017

Hello Gian, notes below that may help. Cheers!

1. Reset matlab path to default and thus remove all previous eeglab related
folders, including the prep pipeline plugin folder.
2. Get and reinstall the most current eeglab. Then be more careful and
track what you install.

3. See Makoto's general pipeline recommendations as well as previous
eeglablist posts on your topic (rank, channels, interpolation, and ICA).
Overall it is not recommended to interpolate channels before ICA. As far as
I understand, interpolation feeds  ICA extra and potentially unreal data.

4. When a command is run via the gui, you can type eegh to see what
functions are being run, and investigate further. If you are doing things
from command line or script, you can still open each function and review
the sub-functions it is calling.
You could look into each function, and check the functions it calls. One of
these is most likely calling a function that came in from Prep.
You can also search through and cleanup your matlab path to default, and
then cleanly
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