[Eeglablist] P300 Analysis in STUDY

Joseph Nuamah jknuamah at aggies.ncat.edu
Mon Sep 25 06:53:05 PDT 2017

Dear All,

In my STUDY design, there are two conditions. I want to, among other
things, determine whether the difference between P300 amplitude and latency
for both conditions is statistically significant.

Please find my questions below:
1a. Given that P300 is a broad component, how do I derive temporal windows
for analysis ?
1b. In particular, what time after stimulus onset should that be applied
1c. Will that vary across channels (I intend to use  midline sites Fz, Cz,
and Pz)?
1d. How do I average amplitudes within these temporal windows for each
participant ?

For say channel PZ, I am able to retrieve erpdata and erptimes from
[STUDY erpdata erptimes] = std_erpplot(STUDY,ALLEEG,'channels',{ 'PZ'});
I read about fractional-area (50%) latency in the literature.

2. Can I determine half-area latency with corresponding amplitude for P300

Kindly help.


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