[Eeglablist] Rejecting Artifacts

Konstantina Tsekoura tsekou at ceid.upatras.gr
Thu Oct 5 09:56:22 PDT 2017


I am a student in Computer Engineering and newbie in Erp analysis and i 
would like some tips! I carried out an experiment for my undergrad 
thesis and now i am trying to process my data in Eeglab , but i have 
problem ...i don't know how to reject artifacts to run ICA-i would like 
to reject epochs but i don't know how...i have read many stuff in 
internet (papers,videos, etc) and i have seen images that depict 
artifacts but i am not sure...Is there a safe way to reject artifacts 
like a newbie? If i am gonna use the automatic epoch rejection is it ok 
or i will have problem?

Best wishes,
Konstantina Tsekoura

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