[Eeglablist] Trouble in merging multiple datasets

Xie Wanze xiew1202 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 12:17:19 PDT 2017

try EEG.history in the command after you successfully merge the datasets in


2017-10-30 9:09 GMT-04:00 He Qing <heqing.psy at hotmail.com>:

> Dear EEGLABist:
> In my study, the whole EEG session was  splited into multiple
> sub-sessions, so that I got multiple  EEG datasets.
> When I merges all sub-datasets into a complete EEG dataset using GUI, it
> works. However, it failed when I used a pop_mergeset function in my
> script.
> Error using pop_mergeset (line 54)
> needs at least two datasets
> Error in transfer_raw_data (line 42)
>     EEG = pop_mergeset( ALLEEG, [1   2   3   4   5
> 6   7   8   9  10], 0);
> Thank you!
> Qing He
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