[Eeglablist] newtimef with a baseline that is 3 secs earlier (for 1sec) than the time-locking event

Aron, Adam adamaron at ucsd.edu
Thu Dec 28 11:25:13 PST 2017

Hi -

I’m trying to do something a bit irregular with newtimef where I want at a baseline from earlier in the trial, not from the period immediately before the time-locking.

My time-locking at time t=0 is to the END of a stimulus. But the stimulus is 2000 ms long. I want to time-lock to be at the end of the stimulus, but have the baseline be the 1000 ms BEFORE the stimulus begins.

I tried:

    [erspTRIAL, itc, powbaseTRIAL, times, freqs, erspboot, itcboot, tfdataStand] = newtimef...
        (EEG_TRIAL.icaact(IC,:,:), EEG_TRIAL.pnts, [EEG_TRIAL.xmin EEG_TRIAL.xmax]*1000, EEG_TRIAL.srate, 0,...
        'cycles', [3 0.5], 'tlimits', [-3000 2000], 'freqs', [4 30], 'timesout', 800,...
        'baseline',[-3000 -2000],...
         'plotitc', 'off', 'plotersp', 'off','padratio', 8);

and this ran at least, but gave me a garbage-looking figure.

I expect this is partly about the EEG_TRIAL.xmin EEG_TRIAL.xmax, but I also want to know if, in principle, this approach can work,


Adam R. Aron
Professor, Department of Psychology
University of California, San Diego
Phone: 858 822 1096 (office)

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