[Eeglablist] LIMO create chanloc file issue

Mariam Kostandyan Mariam.Kostandyan at UGent.be
Thu Jan 18 23:30:00 PST 2018

Dear experts,

I am new in using the LIMO toolbox, so I started with the GUI. The problem occurs on the stage when I try to create the channle location file: I set the neighbourhood distance to 0.5 (it's a bit subjective value for my actiCHamp 64 channel cap) and then the dialog window opens to chose the LIMO.mat file and I chose a .mat file from one of my subjects but the Matlab crashes outputing these errors:

Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.

Error in limo_expected_chanlocs (line 134)
                if ~exist(name{f},'file')

Error in limo_tools>Expected_chanlocs_Callback (line 105)
    [expected_chanlocs, channeighbstructmat] = limo_expected_chanlocs;

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)

Error in limo_tools (line 29)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback

I would be grateful if someone explains me why this error occurs? Another thing is that I am a little bit confused since I've read in the manual that the LIMO will choose a subject with the greatest nimber of channels itself? However, in my case I had to chose a subject and I chose a random subject since they all have the same number of channel which led to the error messages described above.

I would appreciate any help, thank you!




Mariam Kostandyan
PhD student
University of Gent
Department of Experimental Psychology
Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Room 140.021
Tel.: +32 9 264 6398
E-mail: Mariam.Kostandyan at UGent.be<mailto:Mariam.Kostandyan at UGent.be>
E-mail: kostandyan.m at gmail.com<mailto:kostandyan.m at gmail.com>
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