[Eeglablist] could someone send me the EGI.129.elp channel location file

Jody Zhou jodzhou at ucdavis.edu
Mon Feb 26 15:52:41 PST 2018

Hi there,

We are looking for non-hydrocel channel location file for our raw EEG data.
It looks like there are EGI.129.elp and GSN.129.sfp as channel location
files for 128 electrodes EEG raw data. Could someone please explain the
difference between these two channel location file? We also tried to search
for EGI.129.elp from EEGLAB ( ftp://sccn.ucsd.edu/pub/locfiles/besa_egi/),
but it didn't download.
The corresponding website  (
ftp://ftp.egi.com/pub/support/3rdPartySoftwareSupport/BESA/), doesn't open

Thank you so much!

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