[Eeglablist] bva-io problem

Kamia Kavi kamiakavi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 10:57:36 PST 2018

Dear Mr. Widmann,

I have a question regarding you bva-io plugin.

I have some semi-processed data (segmented data) in BrainVision Analyzer
which I exported with Generic Data Export. Then I used bva-io plugin (from
Brain Vis. Rec. .vhdr file) to import it to EEGLAB. Everything looks good
(such as the number of epochs, events, sampling rate, etc.) except for
EEG.epoch which is empty. When I create a STUDY, I see a warning (“some
datasets are continuous and trial information cannot be created”) which
seems to be caused by the fact that EEG.epoch is empty. Can I import
segmented data from BVA to EEGLAB using your plugin?

Best wishes,

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