[Eeglablist] Error in running ICA

E. Sijyeniyo e.sijyeniyo at student.rug.nl
Thu Jul 5 01:18:11 PDT 2018

Dear all, 

While running ICA for one of my participants, I received the following error message: 

"eeg_checkset error: number of elements in ‘icachansind’ (55) does not match the number of columns in the sphere array (54). Should EEGlab remove ICA information (press cancel to fix the problem from the command line)”. 

I have done the preprocessing procedure for this participant the same way in which I have done others. However, for my other participants, I did not get this message, only for this one participant. 

What I typed in the Commandline after selecting for runica is ->  ‘extended’, 1, ‘pca’, [number of channels -1]  (-1 is because I used average reference which changes the rank of the data).

Does anyone know what this error mean? I tried running ICA for the same participant again, but I keep getting the same error…could this be a bug? 

Thank you so much in advance!


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