[Eeglablist] ADJUST fails when #components=/=#channels

Xie Wanze xiew1202 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 06:55:57 PDT 2018

I would use the electrodes close to the left and right eyes to create two
fake EOG channels.


Johnson, John T. <john.johnson at gatech.edu>于2018年7月26日 周四上午5:31写道:

> Part of my processing pipeline is running ASR, which occasionally removes
> bad channels. After running ICA, I use SASICA to mark bad components. If
> channels have been removed, Adjust (called by SASICA) may fail in
> computeSED_NOnorm if there are no channels at the left eye or right eye.
> The function compute_GD_feat will fail if the number of channels does not
> match the number of components.
> Calling ADJUST 1.1.1 from the GUI has the same issues.
> Interpolating channels (using Marco Simões’ interpol) does not help, as
> the number of components still does not match the number of channels.
> I would appreciate any advice on how to handle these issues.
> Regards,
> John
> John T. Johnson
> PhD Student - Applied Physiology
> Georgia Institute of Technology
> john.johnson at gatech.edu
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