[Eeglablist] specifying window length for SIFT's pop_est_selModelOrder

Tyler Grummett tyler.grummett at flinders.edu.au
Wed Aug 1 04:21:13 PDT 2018

Dear EEGLABers,

Im having difficulties doing something which is probably really simple, and thats specifying certain variables when calling pop_est_selModelOrder programmatically (as I am running it in a super computer). I'm trying to specify window length ('winlen') at the very least, but found that I cant specify the window step (winstep) either.

If I ran the code:

EEG = pop_est_selModelOrder( EEG, 'nogui', 'verb', 1, ...
'winlen', 1, 'prctWinToSample', 100);

I would get the error:

Error using arg_define (line 406)
Some of the specified arguments do not appear in the argument specification;
{setname, filename, filepath, subject, group, condition, session, comments,
nbchan, trials, pnts, srate, xmin, xmax, times, data, icaact, icawinv, icasphere,
icaweights, icachansind, chanlocs, urchanlocs, chaninfo, ref, event, urevent,
eventdescription, epoch, epochdescription, reject, stats, specdata, specicaact,
splinefile, icasplinefile, dipfit, history, saved, etc, datfile, timeseries, CAT,

Error in est_selModelOrder (line 100)
g = arg_define([0 1],varargin, ...

Error in arg_report>arg_report_rich (line 153)

Error in arg_report>do_report (line 125)
    feval(['arg_report_' lower(type)],func,args,have_expeval);

Error in arg_report (line 93)
    res = do_report(type,func,args);

Error in pop_est_selModelOrder (line 104)
    cfg =

Eventually I found that if I wrote the following code:

EEG.CAT.configs.est_selModelOrder = arg_tovals( arg_report( 'rich', @est_selModelOrder));
EEG.CAT.configs.est_selModelOrder.modelingApproach.winlen = 1;

And then ran the code without winlen:

EEG = pop_est_selModelOrder( EEG, 'nogui', 'verb', 1, ...
'prctWinToSample', 100);

then it would run without crashes, however, I feel that I shouldnt have to do that considering it says that it is one of the possible input arguments.

Ive also tried this variation (just to spitball):

EEG = pop_est_selModelOrder( EEG, 'nogui', 'verb', 1, ...
'modelingApproach', { 'winlen', 1}, 'prctWinToSample', 100);

but that obviously didnt work.

I would appreciate any help on this! Let me know if you need me to write a bug report on this.

Kind regards,



Tyler Grummett ( BBSc, BSc(Hons I))
PhD Candidate
Brain Signals Laboratory
Multimodal Recording Facility
Flinders University Tonsley Building
Rm 4.17
Ext 19573
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