[Eeglablist] very high residual variance on clean continuous data

Kelsey Sundby ksundby at ucsd.edu
Tue Nov 20 11:21:11 PST 2018


I am having an issue with getting very high residual variance values
(almost no IC's <15% in all subjects). The continuous data looks pretty
clean but I manually remove bad stretches, I remove bad channels, and use
recommended filtering prior to ICA (i.e. high pass filter etc.). Is there
any recommended way to resolve this issue? We have around ~36 minutes of 64
channel data recorded for each subject which I know is on the lower side
but we thought with at least 30minutes it would be sufficient. I have been
using IC label to cross validate what I think is "brain" and IC label has
been identifying brain components but again those have very high RV. Any
recommendations/help would be very appreciated!

Thank you
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