[Eeglablist] Retrieving bad channel indices from ASR clean_rawdata

Anna Kasdan avkasdan at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 08:03:29 PST 2018

Hi Dave,

Thanks! I was also able to do it using the line

bad_channels_ARS = find(EEG.etc.clean_channel_mask==0)

My follow up question is about interpolation: I thought that the second
argument of pop_interp was supposed to be a list of the indices of bad
channels, but originalEEG.chanlocs is a data structure with
everything...how exactly is interpolation working then if all channels
instead of just the bad ones are being taken into account? I was trying to
find a way to use the bad channels I retrieved as the second argument but
that doesn't work with the EEG input since ARS deletes the channels from
that dataset. Also, I will be re-referencing to the mastoids instead of an
average reference...does the interpolation line you wrote above still work
for that (with the originalEEG.chanlocs) or does this really only work if
re-referencing to the average?

Thank you!


On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 6:28 PM David Ryan <ryand1 at goldmail.etsu.edu> wrote:

> This is the script I use. I'm sure there is a more efficient way:
> originalEEG = EEG; % copy EEG before clean_raw
> EEG = clean_rawdata(EEG, 5, [0.25 0.75], 0.8, 4, 5, 0.5);  % Run clean_raw
> Channels_Removed = setdiff
> ({originalEEG.chanlocs.labels},{EEG.chanlocs.labels}, 'stable');  % Make a
> variable to show what's different between the original and new channel
> labels
> EEG = pop_interp(EEG, originalEEG.chanlocs, 'spherical');% Interpolate
> channels removed.
> Hope this helps,
> Dave
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 1:41 PM Tarik S Bel-Bahar <tarikbelbahar at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Anna,
>> Best way to find out is to look inside the actual code of the function
>> and find the variables that store that information.
>> You may need to add a few lines of code to "store" the chan information
>> for your further use.
>> From my understanding the ASR tool doesn't adequately updated the
>> EEG.structure.
>> There have been past eeglablist messages that mention the fields in
>> question, try googling them.
>> Once you find a good solution, please consider sharing so that other
>> ASR/eeglab users can benefit.
>> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 3:19 AM Anna Kasdan <avkasdan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was wondering how you can retrieve the bad channel indices that are
>>> identified during ASR clean_rawdata. I tried EEG.etc but this didn’t give
>>> me the information I was looking for.
>>> Also, once these indices have been identified, are these the ones we
>>> should use in channel interpolation?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Best,
>>> Anna Kasdan
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> --
> David Ryan, Ph.D.
> Research Health Specialist
> Mountain Home VA Health Care System (621)
> Auditory Vestibular Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP)
> Research Service
> (423)-926-1171 Ext. 7575
> www.avreap.research.va.gov
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