[Eeglablist] PSD on scored PSG data

Makoto Miyakoshi mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu
Sat Jan 12 19:21:02 PST 2019

Dear Mohith,

Oops, I pasted a wrong one. Here is the right version, sorry for confusion.
Please discard the last one and use this one. Note the second input
arguments to spectrogram() is EEG.srate which means 1-s sliding window is
being used.


% Define the freq bins.
freqBins = 1:0.01:40;

% Create an empty PSD tensor (time & freq & IC).
PSD_tensor = [];

% Compute the PSD tensor.
for icIdx = 1:size(EEG.icaact,1)

    % Compute short-term Fourier Transform for 1-s window, 1-50 Hz, 0.1 Hz
    if icIdx == 1;
        [~, freqs, times, firstPSD]      = spectrogram(EEG.icaact(icIdx,:),
EEG.srate, round(EEG.srate/2), freqBins, EEG.srate);
        PSD_tensor = zeros(length(freqs), size(firstPSD,2),
        PSD_tensor(:,:,icIdx) = firstPSD;
        [~, ~, ~, PSD_tensor(:,:,icIdx)] = spectrogram(EEG.icaact(icIdx,:),
EEG.srate, round(EEG.srate/2), freqBins, EEG.srate);

On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 6:53 PM Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>

> Dear Mohith,
> See my latest response to Panos (pasted below).
> In EEGLAB, your time-series data are stored under EEG.data as channels x
> time. So, if you want to use spectrogram(), it will be something like
> this...see below. This is from my recent work so it works. Note I'm working
> on EEG.icaact which is one of ICA's results. Replace it with EEG.data if
> you want to work on sensor level.
> Makoto
> % Define the freq bins.
> freqBins = 1:0.01:50;
> % Create an empty PSD tensor (time & freq & IC).
> PSD_tensor = [];
> % Compute the PSD tensor.
> for icIdx = 1:size(EEG.icaact,1)
>     % Compute short-term Fourier Transform for 1-s window, 1-50 Hz, 0.1 Hz
> bin.
>     if icIdx == 1;
>         [~, freqs, times, firstPSD]      =
> spectrogram(EEG.icaact(icIdx,:), ceil(EEG.xmax), [], freqBins, EEG.srate);
>         PSD_tensor = zeros(length(freqs), size(firstPSD,2),
> size(EEG.icaact,1));
>         PSD_tensor(:,:,icIdx) = firstPSD;
>     else
>         [~, ~, ~, PSD_tensor(:,:,icIdx)] =
> spectrogram(EEG.icaact(icIdx,:), ceil(EEG.xmax), [], freqBins, EEG.srate);
>     end
> end
> Makoto
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 3:57 PM Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>
> wrote:
>> Dear Panos,
>> > 1) In addition to calculating the average absolute power (as your
>> script nicely shows), I was also interested in calculating the average
>> absolute (and relative) power at binned time intervals (e.g. avg power
>> between 0-1sec, avg power between 1-2sec, etc) within the dataset. I tried
>> to use the "spectra" output from spectopo but from what I gather it comes
>> up with [(sampling rate)/2 + 1] points rather that one power-spectral point
>> per timepoint. How would you recommend that I proceed?
>> You can repeatedly apply EEGLAB spectopo() function to perform hand-made
>> short-term Fourier transform (STFT), but alternatively you might want to
>> use either EEGLAB newtimef() or Matlab spectrogram() function (the latter
>> may require some additional Toolbox). The output will be frequency x time
>> matrix. The interval of time bins needs to be calcualted. Basically,
>> {(length of data) - (sliding window length)}/(number of steps) gives you
>> the interval (step size). Adjust the (number of steps) so that you can
>> obtain the desired interval.
>> > 2) Is there a way to display how do topographic maps (scalp heat maps)
>> change with time (I'm able to see how they change with different
>> frequencies but I was interested in seeing how they also change with time)?
>> Would the function timtopo be the best way to do that?
>> See this wiki page.
>> https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/Chapter_02:_Writing_EEGLAB_Scripts#Creating_a_scalp_map_animation
>> > 3) A more general question:  If I write a matlab script that I would
>> like to apply on a bunch of datasets (which in my case are just epochs of
>> different lengths that I have extracted from my original dataset), should I
>> put all said datasets  (which I have already pre-processed and applied ICA
>> on) in a STUDY set and then apply the script there, or should I just write
>> a for loop in matlab and apply the script in each individual dataset? In
>> other words, does the STUDY set offer an advantage in this case?  (I
>> apologize for the potential triviality of this one!)
>> If you are a beginner, it is always a good idea to make things as simple
>> as possible. I recommend you organize your own code to loop the
>> single-subject process for all the subjects. After all, that's the only to
>> learn the process!
>> Makoto
>> On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 11:47 AM Fotiadis, Panagiotis <
>> Panagiotis.Fotiadis at pennmedicine.upenn.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Makoto,
>>> Thank you for the really great advice! The two links you provided are
>>> extremely helpful.
>>> I had a few follow-up questions:
>>> 1) In addition to calculating the average absolute power (as your script
>>> nicely shows), I was also interested in calculating the average absolute
>>> (and relative) power at binned time intervals (e.g. avg power between
>>> 0-1sec, avg power between 1-2sec, etc) within the dataset. I tried to use
>>> the "spectra" output from spectopo but from what I gather it comes up with
>>> [(sampling rate)/2 + 1] points rather that one power-spectral point per
>>> timepoint. How would you recommend that I proceed?
>>> 2) Is there a way to display how do topographic maps (scalp heat maps)
>>> change with time (I'm able to see how they change with different
>>> frequencies but I was interested in seeing how they also change with time)?
>>> Would the function timtopo be the best way to do that?
>>> 3) A more general question:  If I write a matlab script that I would
>>> like to apply on a bunch of datasets (which in my case are just epochs of
>>> different lengths that I have extracted from my original dataset), should I
>>> put all said datasets  (which I have already pre-processed and applied ICA
>>> on) in a STUDY set and then apply the script there, or should I just write
>>> a for loop in matlab and apply the script in each individual dataset? In
>>> other words, does the STUDY set offer an advantage in this case?  (I
>>> apologize for the potential triviality of this one!)
>>> Thank you again in advance for your time and help!
>>> Best,
>>> Panos
>>> Panagiotis Fotiadis
>>> PhD Student | Neuroscience Graduate Group
>>> Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Makoto Miyakoshi <mmiyakoshi at ucsd.edu>
>>> *Sent:* Monday, January 7, 2019 2:48:37 PM
>>> *To:* Fotiadis, Panagiotis
>>> *Cc:* eeglablist at sccn.ucsd.edu
>>> *Subject:* [External] Re: [Eeglablist] Frequency-time spectrogram
>>> deconstruction
>>> Dear Panos,
>>> Welcome to the time-frequency world.
>>> > Would I just need to bandpass filter my post-processed EEG signal to
>>> each frequency range of interest (i.e., alpha: 8-12Hz etc) and then plot
>>> the remaining EEG signal over time, or is there another way to do this?
>>> That's one way to go. Nothing is wrong with that!
>>> More convenient and established way to go is to perform time-frequency
>>> transform using short-term Fourier transform or Wavelet transform. Google
>>> EEGLAB time-frequency and you'll find many of our past workshop materials.
>>> For example, see Slide 21 of this file
>>> https://sccn.ucsd.edu/mediawiki/images/a/a6/C2_A3_Time-frequencyDecAndAdvancedICAPracticum_updateJan2017.pdf
>>> You can also obtain bin-mean values from power spectral density. See
>>> below.
>>> https://sccn.ucsd.edu/wiki/Makoto's_useful_EEGLAB_code#How_to_extract_EEG_power_of_frequency_bands
>>> Makoto
>>> On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 1:34 AM Fotiadis, Panagiotis <
>>> Panagiotis.Fotiadis at pennmedicine.upenn.edu> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am fairly new to EEGLab and I had a question concerning the
>>> deconstruction of my EEG signal into its alpha/beta/theta/delta
>>> sub-components:
>>> After pre-processing some subjects with EEG data from 128 channels and
>>> performing ICA (using runica), I used eeglab and chronux to plot the
>>> power/frequency and frequency/time spectrograms of several epochs of
>>> interest.
>>> Is there a way to extract the alpha/beta/theta/delta frequencies of
>>> those epochs and quantify when they occur in time? I can visualize when
>>> each type of neuronal oscillation occurs by looking at the overall
>>> frequency/time spectrogram, but I was wondering whether there was a more
>>> robust way to actually plot each type of oscillation separately and/or
>>> quantify when it occurs.
>>> Would I just need to bandpass filter my post-processed EEG signal to
>>> each frequency range of interest (i.e., alpha: 8-12Hz etc) and then plot
>>> the remaining EEG signal over time, or is there another way to do this?
>>> Thank you in advance!
>>> Best,
>>> Panos
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>>> Eeglablist page: http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/eeglabmail.html
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>>> --
>>> Makoto Miyakoshi
>>> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
>>> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
>> --
>> Makoto Miyakoshi
>> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
>> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
> --
> Makoto Miyakoshi
> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 6:34 PM VARMA, MOHITH MUKUND <
> mohith96 at connect.hku.hk> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am trying to conduct PSD (Power Spectrum Density) analysis for each of
>> the sleep stages across different frequency bands. I have scored the PSG
>> data (edf format) on a Python toolbox called Sleep and obtained the
>> hypnogram that I can use as time codes for each sleep stage. I imported
>> this time code file as event file (it contains info on the latency and type
>> of sleep stage) and now the thing I am stuck on is how to run PSD (possibly
>> using spectopo) for the same event type across different frequency band. I
>> think I cannot use the GUI to run this part so your help for setting up the
>> parameters in the MATLAB command would be really helpful! My data's
>> sampling rate is 250 Hz and FFT window size is 4 sec and other paramters I
>> can go with the default settings provided by EEGLAB. I hope my question is
>> clear enough, please let me know if you need further information.
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Mohith M. Varma (Mo)
>> Graduate Research Assistant
>> Social & Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
>> Department of Psychology
>> Faculty of Social Sciences
>> The University of Hong Kong
>> Tel: (+852) 52622875
>> Email: mohith96 at connect.hku.hk
>> _______________________________________________
>> Eeglablist page: http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/eeglabmail.html
>> To unsubscribe, send an empty email to
>> eeglablist-unsubscribe at sccn.ucsd.edu
>> For digest mode, send an email with the subject "set digest mime" to
>> eeglablist-request at sccn.ucsd.edu
> --
> Makoto Miyakoshi
> Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
> Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego

Makoto Miyakoshi
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego
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