[Eeglablist] Question about 2D brain maps of MEG data from Matlab

Sale, Jeff jsale at sdsc.edu
Sun Jan 13 14:43:08 PST 2019

We have 102 channels of MEG data from an Elekta Neuromag system. They were originally part of a .fif format file but have been filtered and processed in Matlab and are now in a .mat format of 102 columns. Can someone recommend the best way to generate an animated 2D brain map with EEGLab, or any other app you may be familiar with such as Fieldtrip or MNE. Judging from the limited exploring I have done, it is tough enough to get the data back into EEGLab (or Fieldtrip or MNE) but it's even tougher to create a custom channel location file that works. I have managed to generate animations using a combination of Matlab and Python but it sure would be nice to get it into an official EEG/MEG app like EEGLab. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Jeff Sale

SDSC, UC San Diego
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