[Eeglablist] Multiple .edf datasets to EEGLAB for analysis

Tarik S Bel-Bahar tarikbelbahar at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 18:04:49 PST 2019

Hi Mohith,
This should be a simple human error that is easy to fix :) As you can see
the issue is that matlab can't find the file you are telling it to look for.

It looks like you are forgetting to add a "_" to the filenames to be loaded
in your script.
It looks like you are forgetting to add "sleep data" to the filenames to be
loaded in the script
It looks like you are adding "subj" to your filenames to be loaded, but
there is no "subj" in the filenames you mentioned

More notes below in case the issue remains:
1) load the file manually via the eeglab gui, and then review the output in
the command window after you type eegh (where you will get a history of the
script that was run by eeglab). Review the eegh output closely and make
sure you are using the same format for reading the edf as is shown in the
output of eegh
2)  check that your "setname" variable text is correct, and is correctly
formatted  (for example, do you have a file named 1_
3) check that the address path in the edfread is correct (and the same as
what is seen in the eegh output after you load a file from the same folder
manually via the eeglab gui).

*Please remember that EEGLAB scripting is an advanced topic, and for
beginners it is very useful to review and mimic the output of eegh after
doing steps manually. Learning how to script takes a lot of trial and
error, and taking the time to backtrack through the code to solve errors.
*If you achieve a solution and fix the issue, please send a followup to
eeglablist so that other users can learn from your experiences.
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